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Excel Basics: Symbols and Spell Check

Excel Basics: Symbols and Spell Check Source:

Excel Basics: Data

Excel Basics: Data  Source:

Excel Basics: Navigation

Excel Basics: Navigation    Source:

Excel Basics: Toolbars

Excel Basics: Ribbon and Tabs functions and features   Source:


Advantages of PERT charts vs. Gantt charts

Posted by: Shannon Williams PERT chart vs Gantt chart differences PERT charts: Utilized before a project begins to plan and determine the duration of each task Gantt charts: Used while a project is happening to break projects into smaller tasks and highlight scheduling constraints When you and your team need to complete a project, you’ll realize […]


How to make a timeline in Google Docs

Posted by: Lucid Content Team Think back to memorizing major events in your history class (we apologize in advance for any painful memories this exercise might resurface). Rather than stare at a jumble of dates in your textbook, you likely found or created a timeline clearly spelling out what happened when. While you may not have […]