
MetaMask II: Learn the basics of blockchain and Ethereum

Learn the basics of blockchains and Ethereum (miners and validators, gas, cryptocurrencies and NFTs, block explorer, networks, etc.)

Updated March 23, 2022

About Course

Learn the basics of blockchains and Ethereum (miners and validators, gas, cryptocurrencies and NFTs, block explorer, networks, etc.)

Course Content

Learn the basics of blockchains and Ethereum

  • What is a blockchain?
  • What is Ethereum?
  • So, how do you coordinate all that?
  • What are miners? And is a validator the same thing?
  • What is gas, and why do I have to use it?
  • The gas limit
  • The max priority fee
  • The max fee
  • Gas
  • Tokens
  • How do I access Ethereum?
  • What is a block explorer?
  • Ethereum mainnet, testnets, sidechains and the rest

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