




Viktor Ignéczi

Read the text and for questions 1 to 7 say if the sentences are true or false.   *Originally created by

Viktor Ignéczi

Read the text about a British traditional celebration, and for questions 1 to 8, decide whether the sentences are true or false.   *Originally created by

Viktor Ignéczi

Read the text about a neighborhood and for questions 1 to 8 choose the correct answer. *Originally created by

Viktor Ignéczi

Read the text about Thanksgiving and for questions 1 to 7, choose the correct answer.

Viktor Ignéczi

Pain point power words Ideal state words Hook words *Originally created by Kristen McCormick

Viktor Ignéczi

Adverbs Nouns More interesting words for: guide | sale | strategies *Originally created by Kristen McCormick

Viktor Ignéczi

Power words table of contents Power verbs More interesting words for: boost | check out | engage | improve | provide | stop | succeed *Originally created by Kristen McCormick

Viktor Ignéczi

So, the problem is not that there is a lack of innovative businesses out there that are the best in their class—but they lose their cred when they describe themselves as such. And I’m not saying the words “improve” and “effective” are wrong (I use them all the time)…they’re just, not very interesting. So when […]

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